Past Life Regression Case Study: Parallel life and Chinese immigrant.
Past Life Regression Case Study: Parallel life and a Chinese immigrant.
- Client: Female
- Age: late 50's
- Reason for Session: Has had troubled relationships and also financial challenges throughout her life. Would like to see if there is any lesson to be learnt from a past life that will help her in this lifetime.
My client came to me with a history of abusive relationships and divorces. She was a professional woman working long hours and looking to discover how her life could be improved by discovering if there was a lesson to be found in a previous lifetime. She had no history of prior hypnosis or past life regressions.
As we started the session we entered the hallway or passageway of multiple doors. As she walked along the passageway she was drawn to a door covering. A material, rather like a mat being used as the doorway. This was the selected entrance to her past life.
Upon crossing the threshold she was aware that she was outside. It was dark and took a few minutes for her to become accustomed to her new surroundings.
The following are extracts from the audio in her own words:
"Under my feet, it is dirt, well-packed dirt, a road or street of some kind. The dirt is almost polished and I am wearing sandals of some sort. ....
"I have on long pants, loose and light material, they are a dark blue hair is rough, badly cut, not well looked after and I have brown eyes. My skin is darker perhaps a light brown or yellowish colour...
"Yes, my shirt is more grey and has long sleeves and I am wearing a heat of some kind. It is made of a harder material but I am not sure what it is."
As we progressed:
"I am carrying something on... no over, my shoulders. It is a wooden pole with buckets on either end. They have water in them... I do not see anyone else on the road...
"I cannot see 'wide angle' it is as if my field of vision is restricted... Yes, I am walking with a purpose I am going somewhere with the water... No, I do not see anyone else on the road...
" I have walked to the side of the road. There are plants, perhaps a field being cultivated but I do not know what the plants are... Yes, as I look at my hands they are workers hands, well worn. I am a man, I am in my mid to late twenties... I think it is 1895, that is the date that keeps coming to me"
We fast forward to his destination:
"My name is Jin and there is a building on the right. It is very plain and small. I enter...
"I do not know how I brought the water through the door, (Laughs) I put the buckets on the wooden table inside the room. Again the floors are well-packed earth with what appears to be a mat on the floor. The room is bare, I do not see anything on the walls and there is just the one room. I live here. My name is Jin. There is a wooden frame near the other wall. That is where I sleep. I do not see a mattress but there are some neatly folded clothes on top of the frame. They are my clothes. They are basic, nothing ornate, nothing expensive, workers clothes... I live alone"
Again we fast forward to later in the day or possibly the next day:
"Yes, there are other men here, we are all workers. We are sitting, waiting. We are messengers or we run errands. We are in a large compound with a large house. White walls with ornate red paintings on them. It is an important house and I work for the people who own the house...
" I am going to the side or back door of the house and have been given some coins. I have to go and buy something... Outside the compound, the walls are so big. So tall and there is something on top of the walls. There are people in the streets, they are all moving with a purpose. There is a rickshaw-style cart... I work for this rich family in a trusted position."
Fast Forward:
"I am now in my early thirties and I am on a boat. I am not sure where I am going. I am with other men and we are in the third class or poor passenger area. I am going with the person from the big house I think. Wel,l it is the person I work for but he is in a different part of the boat...
"It seems like a long journey and we have come to what I feel is an island...
"I am not sure why I am here but yes it is an island and I am in a better position now than I was. I seem to have more money, a better station in life but still working for the same people...
"There are women in kimonos, (I do not understand this I feel confused, am I Chinese or Japanese? Am I in Japan?) The family I work for a good to me. I am with many women now, they are in beautiful kimonos but do not have makeup on. Their hair is long and black and beautiful. ... Yes, I think they could be prostitutes, I think so...

"I am in a China Town district, it is not in China or Japan, no I am in American and it is 1900 or 1905. It is San Francisco I think and yes this is China Town. I am in a much better position in life. Yes... I am a free man and yes, I have money. I do not know how I have money but I appear to have a business and I appear to do well...
"There is a woman trying to become close to me... I only know her by sight but she has been pressuring me to become a friend and to gain my trust... OK we are in my house and she is there making tea, but there is also someone else here... I am not sure but it seems to be a man and it is not someone I know, he came with the woman...
" I feel sick. The tea, the tea has poison in it. They are killing me because they believe I have a lot of money here and they want my money. I do not have a lot of money, at least not what they seem to think. She keeps encouraging me to have tea. I still feel unwell. Yes, The tea has poison."
Moment of Death and Transition:
"So yes I see myself in the room and yes there is the woman and a man and they have poisoned me. I am dead. But there is also a bright light a figure something I do not recognise beside me... it is telling me to come... that I no longer belong there... I feel comfortable but I feel confused...
"I am going up or out or into some sort of bright light. It is so white but not blinding. It is comforting. I see myself fade and I just seem to 'BE' in this area, it is so beautiful yet so big... yes there is a library... a big building with pillars... yes Greek or Roman looking. They say I can go there to find out more...
"There are many forms, not shapes like bodies and no faces, they are all energies. White and different sizes, the more mature or the more knowledgeable they are they seem bigger and brighter... I recognised these forms, I know them but I do not feel comfortable with some of them, it is as if I do not want to mix with them...
"I am being told this is where I plan my next life, I can go to the library to help plan it... I see another form.. it is my father. I do not know how I know this, but it is him..."
(Pause here as my client now has a conversation with her father and receives advice or a message pertaining to this lifetime. I do not pry into these private messages. I encourage my client to later write them down and keep them safe as they are important for this lifetime and future lifetimes.)
"I am now with these other souls or energies... yes I recognise them and yes some are in my real... my present life and there is no gender, they are just energy. I know the message and the lesson. I know I can make it on my own and not to be so trusting. I can be happy on my own. I do not need anyone. Yes... I can see I made mistakes in trusting people.. my Chinese lifetime has shown me I have the strength to be alone and not to rely on anyone.."
We spend some time there and then we decide to return to the passageway of doors.
"My guide is accompanying me back to the doors... Yes he ( I don't know why I want to say He but it just feels like a he) My guide lets me slip out of his hands as the passageway appears and I seem to float back into the passageway and I see my spirit guide fade into the distance.
In the Passage Way for the Second Time: Another past life begins
"I am there in front of a very large Mahogany or dark wood door. It is very heavy. It feels as if I am struggling to open it... should I open it? ... do I go in?...
"OK, I am through and it is ... wait, can this be right? It is the 1950's or 60's. I am a teenage girl. I have on the teeny bopper style clothes... sweaters, short skirt, socks... yes it is the 1950's I think. .. I am at home, in the kitchen... My name is Jenna...

"I work hard at school and get good grades but I also help my parents in their business... they have opened a family restaurant using their recipes... I help there... they work really hard...
Fast Forward:
"I am in university and I am studying economics... now I am out of university and I am still living at home, I am working for my parents but my mother is really sick. I am looking after my mother. It is 1964 and my mother is ill.
"I seem to have a relationship with another woman, Sharon is the name that comes to mind... yes it is a lesbian relationship and that is so not me... well not me now...
Fast Forward:
"We are into the 1970's and I am a bitter woman. My mother has died and I am working more for the company but we are going to sell it I think or to expand it, I am not sure. I am still in this relationship with this woman ... I am sick also... I think it is diabetes...
"It is the1990's or 2000 and the restaurant has grown and I am still involved with it but I am unhappy, I feel bitter and resentful... I don't know but I know how this person is going to die but I do not feel they have died yet. I feel they are still alive in the Chicago area"
At this point, we returned to our present day life and broke the trance.
My client was exhausted and confused. We had discovered a parallel life, her energy had been split upon coming into this lifetime, rather like identical twins where sometimes the energy of one entity becomes the life source for two... She was horrified at the possibility her other part was a lesbian as it is so against what she believes now.
The Lesson:
The lessons were from both lifetimes we visited and the messages she received in her one on one with her father energy.
Yes, she had to be careful with her finances, she has to take more care with them and look after the money.
Yes, she can live an independent life and needs to be more aware of the people she allows close to her, that she allows into her life.
The patterns from the three lifetimes did indeed overlap and my client was excited to have discovered her purpose and how to proceed from here.
Upon checking with her a few days later she reported that she had had some intense and lucid dreams following her regression. She felt much more positive in herself and was really happy she had undertaken the regression. Her worries about not being able to connect or falling asleep had all been for nothing. She had experienced a wonderful trip into two lifetimes as well as discovered so much about herself and how she needs to proceed to have a more enjoyable life.
There is unfinished business and this is only a brief extract of her journey. There was so much more detail which is not covered here.
There will be a further regression.
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