Hypnotherapy for Cocaine Addiction

Hypnotherapy for Cocaine Addiction

Why Exito de Por Vida? Affordable, 24-7 Support, & Experienced.

Cocaine addictions successfully treated with hypnosis, cured by associating drug addiction symptom with original reason for use.

Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming allows for the resolution of the issues that caused the addictive behavior in the first place. What is the point in treating an addiction as the primary source of the problem when it is in fact only a symptom of a deeper problem. Rather than teaching that an addict is helpless against their addiction and must attend meetings for the rest of their lives, our patients do not define themselves by their addiction. Instead they are led through a process that allows them to solve the underlying issue(s) that led them to seek the addiction and thereby solving the whole problem, remaining drug free and able to finally enjoy life as they always wanted.

I want you to be comfortable so I offer hypnotherapy sessions in the office, or even via Skype.

My hypnotherapy program for cocaine and drug addiction has a 98% success rate for most and has been going strong for ten plus years.

I specialize in hypnotherapy, addiction, NLP, CBT and recovery.

You can complete this program in as few as three to four weeks with control over withdrawal.

This is your chance to end cocaine addiction rather than using replacement therapy and white knuckled coping skills for the rest of your life.

Cocaine is still presently the most abused major stimulant in the USA and Mexico. Cocaine is just a quick and easy way to change ordinary, everyday reality from unbearable to bearable. All it takes is one time. People who are dependent are merely using meth or crack cocaine as a crutch to get through the day. Yet doctors and scientists are still treating “drug addiction” as if it is the problem, when it has nothing to do with the real problem. They might as well be studying “scratchism” for people who have a chronic itch. Suppose you had a chronic itch and scratched it regularly throughout the day. Would you have “scratchism”? Would you be a “scratchaholic”? Of course not. What if you had a constant headache, and to cope with it you took aspirin several times each day. Would you suffer from “aspirinism”, would you be called an “aspirinaholic”? More important, if you sought help for the treatment of those ailments, would you be treated for “scratchism” or “aspirinism”? Of course not; you would be treated for the underlying conditions that led you to scratch or use aspirin. — perhaps poison ivy or stress.”

Hypnotherapy allows for the resolution of the issues that caused the addictive behavior in the first place. What is the point in treating an addiction as the primary source of the problem when it is in fact only a symptom of a deeper problem. Rather than teaching that an addict is helpless against their addiction and must attend meetings for the rest of their lives, our patients do not define themselves by their addiction. Instead they are led through a process that allows them to solve the underlying issue(s) that led them to seek the addiction and thereby solving the whole problem, remaining drug free and able to finally enjoy life as they always wanted.

Hypnotherapy for Cocaine AddictionExito de Por Vida's addiction recovery program is nothing like 12-step programs because it is based upon a completely different paradigm. Where the 12-step programs come from the belief that someone with an addiction is destined to be an addict for the rest of their lives, our program looks to the current research in neuroscience which shows that people continue to change the way they think, and therefore behave throughout the entirety of their lives.

Rather than attending meetings, (however the program can be used in conjunction with 12-step or other recovery methods) they complete a set hypnotherapy sessions, usually four to six depending upon the individual, over the course of a month. Each session builds upon those that came before, so that by the end of the month, people engaged in the program have solved the underlying issue (sensitizing event) causing the need for using, learned how to deal with self-sabotage and have vastly improved their self-esteem. They have also developed the beliefs, values, boundaries and internal identity of someone who has no need for the substances or behaviors they used to depend upon.

My success rates are 98% overall. The 2% of clients that returned to their addiction fell into one of two categories:

  • People that had no interest in quitting.
  • People that were quitting to appease someone else.
Compare this with the statistics offered by Alcoholics Anonymous which shows that 26% of their participants are sober less than one year. The same goes for in-patient programs such as the Betty Ford Clinic that states:

"Research has shown that as much as 60% – 80% of those treated for addictive disease relapse within the first 3-4 months of treatment. The first year of recovery is known to be a frequent time of relapse."

"Of those who complete treatment for alcohol dependence, approximately 60% relapse within the first post treatment year."

Hypnotherapy and NLP can help retrain the subconscious so handling emotions comes easily and without effort. Once a behavior takes on a new color, other people’s stereotypes and resolve about that person will change too. Our clients find a positive side to their life that they only dreamed existed.

Results and What to Expect with Hypnotherapy 

As you already know, no one person is the same as the other. You can’t expect a one-size-fits-all, fix to a problem that you have suffered from indefinitely. Maybe even take medications for. And, since you aren’t the same as everyone else and you are in need of a continual change, it could be beneficial to seek guided hypnotherapy.

Your initial consultation will give you a general idea of ‘where you are’ as far as cocaine addiction is concerned. I will ensure that your session is therapeutically adjusted and adapted to your unique situation. I will learn about you, who you are, when you began having issues, when you find it is most prominent and will listen to how it affects your life. 

Finally I will meticulously put together an exclusive program, based on your unique situation designed to allow you to be free of cocaine and recover, getting back to a normal life.

The psychological and emotional issues surrounding cocaine addiction will be addressed and treated. Just exactly as everyone learns to walk and talk in infancy, the subconscious mind will be taught to cope with issues that were impossible of dealing with at one time which led to the abusive behavior. Coping is an important part of healing the emotional pain. Again, this will come naturally without extra thought and effort.

Through hypnotherapy and NLP emotional or physiological triggers for relapse will be identified and avoidance techniques explored and put into action. Positive feelings and the ability to succeed will be reinforced, as can motivational techniques, body image and self-control. Additionally, many clients have found that hypnosis calms the nerves, the mind and the body, releases stress and alleviates anxiety. Imagine this without the use of a replacement drug such as Prozac.

The positive ideas and perspectives that are received build self-esteem and boost confidence. Personal accountability for ones self, thoughts, and actions again become reality and so does lasting recovery. But moreover, hypnotherapy has a positive effect on every aspect of a person’s life.

Exito de Por Vida's addiction hypnotherapy program can be used in conjunction with any current support network or addictions program to put anyone back in control of their emotions and make recovery a complete success.

Can be used in conjunction with any current support network or therapy program you are currently using.

It’s affordable. If you’ve tried other programs, you know how important this part is.

I also work with other addictions:

  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Gambling
  • Various drugs
  • Video Games

No waiting-we promise to get you in for a consult ASAP. Your imagining getting your life back on track and we want to help today.

Llamada a la acción

Para vivir una vida notable, debes tomar medidas consistentes a pesar de tus miedos y dudas


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