How Past Life Regression can help you understand your Sexual Orientation.

How Past Life Regression can help you understand your Sexual Orientation.

It is generally recognised within the Past Life Regression Community that in the time we are between lives we have no assigned sexual identification. We are energy, our form is one of energy and we have no sexual orientation or identification. The time Life Between Lives having no physical form, sex as we understand it in this physical form, does not exist.

It is also recognised that during our time between lives this is when we plan out our future lifetime and learn from those we have already completed. Therefore the question is often asked "How do you explain Transgender people?", or "How do you explain my sexual identity being gay?" "If we have made a plan, did we actually intend to come into this lifetime with the wrong sexual orientation or identity and if so why?" All of those are fair and interesting questions and to understand where to begin answering them we need to understand our eternal role.

Our series of lifetimes is on a continuum. We are in the process of developing into a higher being. A being or energy that is perfect. If you are like me, you are a long, long way from anything resembling perfect. Therefore each lifetime is to give us a lesson on the road to perfection.  If we pass the lesson then we proceed to the next and so on. If on the other hand we struggle and fail in the lesson then we are required to repeat it in another lifetime.

By undertaking a past life regression and life between lives therapy session we are able to identify clearly the lessons we should be working on. Each regression is an amazing adventure into our own self-evolution. Each unpredictable and each its own self-contained experience. I have conducted more than 5000 regression sessions and have discovered that we, neither you nor I as the therapist, choose the life we will revisit. Instead, our subconscious will be our guide. Therefore you rarely visit the same past life more than once. Rather like having a great dream. You wake mid-dream to go to the bathroom and want to reenter the dream when you get back into bed.... alas we find it almost impossible. The dream fades from memory quickly and we can seldom remember the details. On the other hand, you are having a nightmare and likewise, wake up. You go to the bathroom and instead of falling asleep into a new dream we seem to dive headlong back into that nightmare. Our direction is not always set by our desires.

During the regression sessions, my clients often discover they had very different lifestyles. Different roles. Perhaps we were a woman in many of our past lives and yet in this one are a man. We seem to flip-flop between the sexes. If you think about it that is a natural way to develop. Seeing the world through different roles, different bodies and perspectives.

My clients might find they have extremely empathic views towards the opposite sex, almost feeling they have been there, been in those shoes, so to speak; well perhaps you have!

You might discover you were an extremely bias and discriminatory person in other lifetimes and therefore in this you are learning the other side of the coin. Not as a punishment but to expand your own development. On the other hand, you might find that being gay brings you closer to your pure energy, sexless self. Where you are able to relate equally to both sexes and all forms of sexual orientation and identity.

So the question, If we planned this and I planned to be a female yet was born into a male body.... what went wrong?  The answer is simple, Nothing. Nothing went wrong. Look at it as your evolution. This IS your learning subject in this lifetime, to connect to a side of you that has different emotions, different expectations.

Being gay or transsexual is not a punishment. It is a development in your eternal evolution towards perfection. Indeed many times people who identify themselves as homosexual are in fact far more connected to other people than those who consider themselves heterosexual. Studies have shown that 1:13 people are left-handed; 1: 11 are gay.... 1:3 are to some extent bisexual. Therefore when you look at how we outwardly present ourselves we can see that in many ways we present a false face. We wear a mask.

Just visit the different gay dating apps and see how many 'heterosexual' people are registered looking to 'experiment' or 'discover' new things. It is our non-sexual side, our neutrality from our spirit and energy world coming through. Like a light through a crack in the door when you are in a dark room. The light is your energy source... being YOU.

Undertaking a past life session will take you to moments in your evolution where you will discover how you behaved before and what lesson you need to make this life one where you are empowered and nearer to that perfection.

The Life Between Lives part helps you really understand who you are and what your purpose in this life and future lives actually is... Yes, you can get a glimpse of how your development will continue after this lifetime... in other words, you can see into your future lives.

Can you change? Of course, you can always change the plan. However the plan is there for a reason.... to change or not to change has to be discussed in your life between lives stages.

I have many gay clients who all found their session to discover their mission, their purpose through Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives sessions helped empower them. It made them comfortable in deep and profound levels within them. I changed how they felt. Their self-esteem and self-confidence grew after one session. Those who had considered the idea of suicide found it now the idea furthest from their wishes and dreams. They found themselves. They now know who they are. They have pride and belief in themselves, they LOVE themselves.

Discover now who you are. Discover the freedom of your journey. Lose the hang-ups and the doubts. Lose the depression, anxiety and profound despair many in the gay community experience on a day to day level. If you have suicidal thoughts you will definitely change. You will value who you are. I dislike the expression 'what I am', you are not a WHAT, you are a WHO. A sacred, spiritual being on a journey. Always remember you are a WHO not a WHAT. Discard the labels, discard the preconceived forms you are supposed to fit into. You are an amazing soul, an amazing energy with a life, a series of lives, that are designed to bring you to perfection.

Unlock this mystery TODAY. I offer Past Life Regression Sessions with Life Between Lives sessions ON SKYPE. Having conducted more than 5000 face to face sessions and now more than 350 via Skype I can tell you they are every bit as effective and empowering.  I was sceptical, I will be honest, I wondered how it would work. Yet after developing a really interactive technique, I can tell you without hesitation that Skype, and yes even Whatsapp sessions work! Contact me today, right now to set up your session.

The process is in two parts. Firstly we have a 90 minutes session to explain the process and more importantly to allow you to experience a full hypnotic visualization session. Here you discover that you can be hypnotised and that you won't fall asleep! Also, you will experience the beauty and be amazed at the power of a visualization session. Then between 3 and 5 days later we settle down for the full regression session. This is anywhere from 2.5 to 4 hours. It is unpredictable, especially the first time. Also unpredictable is how much of that session will be spent in a past life and how much in the life between lives part. This depends totally on what YOU NEED TO KNOW, what you need to COME AWAY WITH as a result of the session.

For face to face sessions, I charge between USD 300 and up to USD 500 depending on the session. On Skype, I moderate my fees to allow for total access. Few therapists will publish their fees, well at this time, July / August 2018 the fee is USD 150 / Euro 125 approximately. When you CONTACT ME, we will set the price for PayPal and have your initial session scheduled immediately. 

 Contact me today, right now to set up your session.

Are you ready? It is a magical and amazing adventure. Subsequent sessions allow you to explore far more and far more deeply, so start your journey of self-discovery and purpose now. There is nothing to hold you back. Time zones make no difference, I have clients in Australia, India, Russia, around Europe as well as the USA and South America, indeed as of today I have clients via Skype in more than 43 different countries and time zones.


Let's DO IT!

Call to Action.... Discover your own Past Life!

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